Codes of Tolerance and Respect for Educators and Schools

Posted in Codes of Tolerance | 02-Feb-13

  1. Education and culture are the best weapons against intolerance and to promote mutual respect. Learn and study other cultures and civilizations to see how rich they are. The world around you is vast and interesting. See what you can borrow from other cultures. This way you will enrich your own personality.
  2. Tolerance should become a subject of teachers’ training and education in schools, where students learn to respect and appreciate each other as individuals and members of different groups. Students should also exercise consensus and compromise, get to know different religions, and train to settle conflicts non-violently.
  3. Schools must be the place where children learn democratic values and tolerance. In school, they should learn about and be prepared for some of the important future issues of life with which they will be confronted: tolerance, responsibility, conflict resolution, and compromise
  4. Teaching of tolerance and respect should be integrated into the curriculum of schools as they are as important in our world now as mathematics or biology.
  5. Textbooks should reflect the important of tolerance concerning other religions, races and ethnic minorities as well as political conflicts with neighboring countries and not perpetuate the old schemata of hate and misunderstanding. Independent commissions should rewrite textbooks – as was done successfully to improve relations between former arch-enemies Germany, France and Poland.
  6. One focus of education is to make the students with minority backgrounds proud of their heritage and teach the other students about the positive input of minorities for their country.
  7. Each student should understand the basic features of different religions.
  8. The basic concepts of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of Tolerance should be part of the new design of education for tolerance and respect in all countries.
  9. There should be a Day of Tolerance once a year focusing schools on the merits of diversity, other religions and cultures.
  10. Schools should focus more on the learning of other languages, especially the languages of larger minorities. For minority students, this connects them to their mother culture at the same time that they become proficient in the main language of their home or host country, thus improving integration. For other students, foreign and minority languages are the most important door for the understanding of other cultures and to the world of diversity.

