
For my organization, the World Security Network, tolerance and respect are the lifeblood of peaceful coexistence and crucial elements of the “soft powers” of peacemaking.
German philosopher Emmanuel Kant wrote: “The state of peace among men and women is not the natural state – a state of peace must be established.”
As a global network, we at WSN believe that these wise ideas are truer today than ever before and must be implemented actively.
We must all together water the tree of tolerance and respect.
The soft factors of peacemaking are often put aside by the harder military instruments of peacemaking.
The focus on the promotion of stability through military means and homeland security has led to an unbalanced approach.
The human soul and dignity as the heart of peacemaking have been almost forgotten, and a cold power policy has prevailed which will not be able to produce stability and perpetual peace in a diverse world of globalization.
We now need a global jihad for tolerance and respect like the Prophet demanded – a new state of true peace and balance for our global village, including Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and all the many different positive forces on earth.
We need a global vision and a soul. We need globally respected moral values, and just as important, We need a steady promotion.
Unfortunately today we leave the most important questions of peace, reconciliation, tolerance and respect to a loud but tiny minority of radicals, a majority of mediocre politicians, and mainly backward-looking academics.
Furthermore, we do not have an action plan like in business for their promotion.
Does this work? – No.
Will this work in the future? – Not at all!
Who can actually change the world and promote tolerance and respect effectively? Only you – the global elite of this world – can do it! - but we remain for the most part silent and passive, and we only observe the negative actions of radical minorities on TV.
- We own this world intellectually - We have influence - We have the power - We have a large pool of creativity and optimism.
But what do we do with all this?
I am calling for an elite which takes over the promotion of tolerance and respect as a common soul of our global village now, and does not just wait for politics.
I am calling to impeach the radicals by taking over as an elite the responsibility for a better world of moral values, especially for our children.
We as the elite have no choice but to take responsibility and take action now.
If we do not, nobody will do it effectively.
Please do not ask the new U.S. President Barack Obama, the UN or your national government what they should and will do – but rather ask yourself what you can do with your friends and networks for a better world together now.