Pope John Paul II. : Thank you for your contributions for a better world !

Thank you, Pope John Paul II, for your contributions to a world
- more human
- less materialistic
- more spiritual
- and more peaceful !
To honor His Holiness, we send you an exclusive article by a close friend of Pope John Paul II, Archbishop Prof. Alfons Nossol from Opole, Poland, about a Christian peace policy from the Vatican’s point of view. Prof. Nossol is a member of the important Vatican advisory council " Pontificum Consilium ad Christianorum Unitatem Fovendam". He has published 14 books and was awarded the Dillinger St. Ulrichs Prize (1993), the City of Augsburg Peace Award (1997) and the Culture Award of the State of Lower Saxony in Germany in 2001. He is now as well professor in Opole.
He and the Pope were both professors at the Catholic University in Lublin.

Christian Peace Policy: Combating Ideology and Nationalism with a "Thoughtful Heart and a Loving Mind"
written by: Alfons Nossol
The West needs Holistic Formulas for Peace on the basis of Diplomacy plus Power plus Reconciliation
written by: Hubertus Hoffmann